Awesome Facts About the Great Barrier Reef


Scientific study into the effects of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef is wide ranging. Over the past 20 years, many different studies have taken place with the goal of learning how human impact on the oceans can be measured. It is clear that coral is bleaching over vast areas of the Great Barrier Reef, and that human impact could very well be the cause.

Children should be exposed to nature at an early age, so they feel that they are a part of nature, not that nature is somewhere they go to explore. Whale watching in Eden or any other coastal town in Australia is a great opportunity for children to experience nature at its finest.

Learning About the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier reef is such an amazing ecosystem that contains so many amazing animals. Here are some awesome facts about the world’s largest ecosystem.

  1. The Great Barrier Reef is so large that it is officially classed as the largest living organism on earth, and maybe in the universe! From tip to tip it covers an area of 2300km. Among the coral reefs are over 900 islands that form the ‘above land’ part of the reef. In fact, it is so large that astronauts have said they can see it with the naked eye from the moon! That sure is a large organism!
  2. One third of all coral on earth can be found in the Great Barrier Reef. There are over 400 individual species of coral. As a result, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most highly protected places in the whole ocean.
  3. Over 5000 species of fish, mammal and reptile live on the Reef. Throughout its over 600 pristine beaches and unpopulated tropical islands there are over 1500 species of fish, 3000 species of mollusks, 200 species of bird and more than 30 species of whale and dolphin.
  4. There are some world-famous dive sites throughout the reef. The Great Barrier reef has an average depth of just 35 meters, making it an ideal breeding place for shallow water animals. The vast majority of the Reef is bathed in light every day, allowing the growth of a vast array of underwater plants and corals.

Whatever animals you are interested in spotting, a trip to the Great Barrier Reef will not disappoint.

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